Safety, leadership and teamwork 


Rachael Robertson is a recognised thought-leader on safety, leadership and teamwork. She presents powerful leadership and teamwork tools wrapped in a set of memorable stories from her time leading a year-long  expedition to Antarctica. Rachael often tours WA and has spoken in Perth many times as well as remote locations such as Barrow Island, Port Hedland, Exmouth and even Kalgoorlie.

Rachael is highly experienced and skilled in all areas of safety leader and teamwork and is now available speak at your next event.

  • Find out about Rachael’s Presentations and speaker services

  • Learn about what Rachael can offer you and your people

  • Browse a list of Rachael’s happy clients from across Australia

Inspire and equip your people with a practical and motivational session with one of the best business speakers in Australia - Rachael Robertson.